Thursday, December 20, 2012

Final Renders

 Evan the Golem

Evan was a challenge for me because I had never drawn and rendered something as uneven and textured as stone. I started by laying down the outline of the major stones comprising his body, then added more detail such as cracks and the spikes on his shoulders. The rendering was difficult as well, since I wanted each of his stones to stand out. This was solved by shading and highlighting each stone individually. Since his background dictates that he was created from an asteroid, I overlaid an asteroid texture on him. The end result was quite satisfying, as the overlaid texture adds shades and highlights of its own, making the simple stone pop out a lot more.

Carlos the Wraith

I had trouble thinking of a final concept for Carlos, since I knew what type of character he was, but I wasn't sure how I should translate it into a 2D format. His precursors were Slenderman-esque stalkers, but it was suggested I turn him into more of a wraith-like character. This was a more successful design, as it gave an easy interpretation of Carlos' ability to travel through shadows. His final design is reminiscent of a claw, suggesting that he can burst from your shadow and drag you into it. Although he is a bare-bones character (almost literally), the smoke trail and head glow compliment his strongly defined silhouette, making for an interesting visual.

Winslow the Prophet

In his character background, Winslow is (or was) a homeless beggar, but is also the most powerful of the three characters and their ultimate goal is to win his allegiance. Essentially, his design was that of a "cool" homeless person, something I found difficult to pull off. I wanted to go for a more plain but unique look with a winter jacket, but in the end I settled for the classic longcoat. In order to give him an interesting pose to counter his normal clothes, I made him levitating. I wanted the render of Winslow to look believable, and so I heavily referenced images of clothes folding over limbs. The result was desirable. I also wanted to give his psychic energy a unique look. In most media it is shown as a glow or spacial distortion; after many iterations I opted for a splashing water effect.

Final Model Sheets

 Evan the Golem
 Carlos the Wraith
Winslow the Prophet

Final Color Samples

 Carlos the Wraith color samples
 Carlos the Wraith color samples
 Winslow jacket color samples - multiply
 Winslow jacket color samples - multiply
 Winslow pants color samples - jeans - multiply
 Winslow pants color samples - khakis
Winslow pants color samples - jeans - overlay

Final Sketches

 Evan the Golem concepts
 Winslow jacket concepts
 Evan the Golem concepts
 Evan the Golem final concept templates
 Evan the Golem sample poses
 Carlos the Wraith sample poses
 Carlos the Wraith concepts
 Carlos the Wraith final concepts
 Winslow the Prophet concepts
Winslow final pants concepts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Midterm - Lord of the Rings: Battle for Mesoamerica

Jaguarllum, Fernando, and the Witch King of Acalan.

 Sketches for Gollum
 Sketches for the Witch King
Sketches for Frodo

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Final Earl

The final rendering of Earl, the hulking, evil, elf-hating, oven mitt-wearing, hermaphroditic, armored guardian penguin on a unicycle.